August 27th is National Just Because Day and it encourages people to do something spontaneous just for the sake of doing it. No special reason or occasion. Break with the typical routine and do something fun, unordinary, out of the box. This is a day to surprise someone, do a random act of kindness or just do something that you feel will brighten someone’s day.

The original Just Because Day was called Because Day and was first celebrated on the third Wednesday in May. Joseph J. Goodwin of Los Gatos, California invented the “holiday” in the late 50s to early 60s because wanted to celebrate time with family for no particular reason. He felt it was a good idea and you should celebrate that time.
Some ideas for Just Because Day are sending a note or small gift to a friend, doing a random act of kindness for a stranger, trying something new and fun, calling someone you haven’t spoken to in a while…the sky is the limit.
Being with family can be a wonderful time to practice being present and enjoying the moment. Work on being present by practicing mindfulness, which you may already being doing and not even realize it. Check out these mindfulness practices.