DIY – Eye of mindfulness practice

DIY – Eye of mindfulness practice

Use the Eye of Mindfulness background video below to enhance your DIY mindfulness or meditation practice. Then join in any day live at the @2:50...

Pacifica@2:50 celebrates one year

Pacifica@2:50 celebrates one year

Join us to celebrate Pacifica@2:50's first year of consecutive daily mindful meetups on Sat 10 Aug! Please mark your calendar and join at 2:45 pm...



“Every experience, no matter how bad it seems, holds within it a blessing of some kind.  The goal is to find it.”...

Rasheed Ogunlaru

Rasheed Ogunlaru

“A few simple tips for life:  feet on the ground, head to the skies, heart open…quiet mind.”...

Phone a Friend

Phone a Friend

December 28 - It's National Call a Friend Day! No matter the that friend that you haven't spoken to in a while....

Indonesian Freedom

Indonesian Freedom

On this day in history, December 27, 1945, Indonesia gained its independence.



On this day in history, December 26, 1966, the first Kwanzaa celebration occurred in the United States. This holiday is a celebration of family and...

City Found

City Found

On this day in history, December 25, 1599, the city of Natal, Brazil was founded.

On the radio

On the radio

On this day in history, December 24, 1908, the first radio broadcast was transmitted.

Carl Jung

Carl Jung

"Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens."

Shortest Daylight

Shortest Daylight

It is Winter Solstice, the first day of winter. You'll see gradually shorter nights and longer days. Today has the most darkness and least sunlight...

Going to the Dogs

Going to the Dogs

On this day in history, December 20, 1928, mail delivery began by dog sled in Lewiston, Maine....

Thich Nhat Hanh

Thich Nhat Hanh

"Walk as though you are kissing the Earth with your feet."



It is Bake Cookies Day! What is your favorite? Chocolate Chip, Oatmeal Raisin, many to choose from. I can smell them baking right now....

Fly High Orville and Wilbur

Fly High Orville and Wilbur

On this day in history, December 17, 1903, the first successful gasoline powered airplane took place in Kitty Hawk, NC with Orville and Wilbur...

Tea for Too Many

Tea for Too Many

On this day in history, December 16th, the Boston Tea Party took place.

More Good is Always Welcome

More Good is Always Welcome

December 14th is More Good Today Day. The goal of this day is to encourage more people to practice kindness and generosity. What could be better...

Fly High

Fly High

On December 14, 1903, Orville Wright made the first attempt at powered flight. If you have every been to Kitty Hawk, NC, you know why the Wright...

Pema Chodron

Pema Chodron

"Nothing ever goes away until it has taught us what we need to know." How does this apply to your life? Pema Chodron is an American Tibetan Buddhist...

Jack Kornfield

Jack Kornfield

"When we get too caught up in the world's busyness, we lose connection with one another - and ourselves." Be sure to connect with yourself and...



On December 11, 1946, UNICEF, United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund, was created to provide relief for children in countries...

All people should have the same rights

All people should have the same rights

December 10 is Human Rights Day.  In 1948, the United Nations adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It is the most translated document...

Charlie Brown Christmas

Charlie Brown Christmas

On December 9, 1965 , Charlie Brown Christmas aired on television for the first time. This has become a yearly favorite for so many families....

Do You Seek Too Much?

Do You Seek Too Much?

"In today's rush, we all think too much - seek too much - want too much - and forget the joy of just being." - Eckhart Tolle Find the joy in just...

Another Joyful Day

Another Joyful Day

December 7 is U.S. National Joy Day! Joy to the World...we can sing that song today! Be joyful everyday. Mindfulness can bring joy. Here are some...

The First National Education System

The First National Education System

December 6, 1774 was a first in education: Austria became the first nation to introduce a state education system. That is a great and noble...



December 5th is International Volunteer Day. Spare a few moments of your time to help people, animals and causes that are less fortunate. Gratitude...

Achieve What You Believe Now

Achieve What You Believe Now

"What we believe can significantly affect what we can achieve." A global priority for the behavioural sciences is to develop cost-effective,...

It is Better to Give than to Receive

It is Better to Give than to Receive

November 28 is the National Day of Giving. It also known as Giving Tuesday or Global Day of Giving and follows the 3 big shopping days for...

Please have a seat

Please have a seat

On November 25, 1955, the Interstate Commerce Commission banned racial segregation on interstate trains and buses in the United States. Anyone could...

Eckhart Tolle

Eckhart Tolle

"In today's rush, we all think too much, seek too much, want too much and forget the joy of just being." - Eckhart Tolle Eckhart Tolle is a...



Today, November 23rd, 2023, is Thanksgiving Day in the US. The first Thanksgiving was in the fall of 1621 when the Pilgrims, who had settled in...

Angela Merkel

Angela Merkel

On November 22, 2005, Angela Merkel was elected as the first female chancellor of Germany. She won re-election in 2009, 2013, and 2018. This made...

Verranzano Narrows Bridge

Verranzano Narrows Bridge

On November 21, 1964, the Verranzano Narrows Bridge, the world's longest suspension bridge at the time, opened in NY. It connects Staten Island and...

Anne Lamott

Anne Lamott

"Almost anything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes including you." - Anne Lamott Anne Lamott is an American fiction and non-fiction...

Vincent Van Gogh

Vincent Van Gogh

On November 19, 1998, Vincent Van Gogh 's "Portrait of the Artist without Beard" sold at auction for more than $71 million. He was a Dutch...

Happy Birthday Mickey Mouse

Happy Birthday Mickey Mouse

November 18, 2023 is Mickey Mouse 's 95th birthday. He first appeared in the short film “Steamboat Willie” on November 18, 1928. Looking good for...

Suez Canal

Suez Canal

On November 17, 1869, the Suez Canal opened in Egypt, linking the Mediterranean and the Red Seas. The canal is approximately 120 miles long and...



"The secret of change is to focus not on fighting the old, but on building the new." - Socrates Socrates was a classical Greek philosopher who is...

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

November 15th is National Recycling Day in the United States. Remember to reduce, reuse, recycle. This day is devoted to promotion and encouragement...

Apollo 12

Apollo 12

On November 14, 1969, Apollo 12, the second manned mission to the moon, launched. The crew of three astronauts were Charles "Pete" Conrad, mission...

Sonia Choquette

Sonia Choquette

"You cannot breathe deeply and worry at the same time." - Sonia Choquette Famed author, spiritual teacher, and intuitive guide, Sonia Choquette,...

Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Nobel Prize in Chemistry

On November 12, 1915, Theodore W. Richards of Harvard University became the first American to be awarded the Nobel Peace prize in chemistry....



On November 11. 1675, Leibniz demonstrated integral calculus for the first time to find the area under the graph of the Y = F(X) function. Gottfried...

Sesame Street

Sesame Street

On November 10, 1969, Sesame Street premiered. It was created by Joan Ganz Cooney and Lloyd Morrisett. It has been a well-loved educational and...

John Kabat-Zinn

John Kabat-Zinn

"The perfect moment is this one." John Kabat-Zinn is well-known for his work in initiating mindfulness meditation and adding it into traditional...

House of Reps’ First Woman

House of Reps’ First Woman

On November 7, 1916, Jeannette Rankin was the first woman elected to the US House of Representatives for the state of Montana. Rankin was huge in...

Lincoln #16

Lincoln #16

On November 6, 1860, Abraham Lincoln was elected 16th president of the United States. He served from March 1861 to April 1865, when he was...

Einstein Quote

Einstein Quote

"The mind that opens to a new idea never returns to its original size." - Albert Einstein Albert Einstein was a well-known theoretical physicist who...

First Female Governor

First Female Governor

On November 4, 1925, Nellie Tayloe Ross was the first female to be elected as a governor (Wyoming) in the United States. She paved the way for so...

Clear Water Ahead

Clear Water Ahead

"The mind is like water. When it’s turbulent, it’s difficult to see. When it’s calm, everything becomes clear.”      – Prasad...



On November 2, 1982 , President Ronald Reagan signed a bill to create Martin Luther King (MLK) Jr day. A day to celebrate the person and civil...

National Authors Day

National Authors Day

November 1st is National Authors Day. Who is your favorite author? What genre of book do you like? Are you an author yourself? It's a day to...

Happy Magic Day

Happy Magic Day

October 31 is Halloween, but it is also Magic Day. Magic Day actually takes place during National Magic Week, which is an entire week dedicated to...

It’s Good

It’s Good

"When you focus on the good, the good gets better." - Abraham Hicks Abraham Hicks is a law of attraction philosophy that teaches us how to replace...

NOW is the Time

NOW is the Time

On October 29, 1966, the National Organization of Women (NOW) was founded. It is legally a 501 social welfare organization. The organization...

Lady Liberty

Lady Liberty

On October 29, 1886, the Statue of Liberty was dedicated in NY Harbor by President Cleveland. The statue weighs 225 tons and is 152 feet tall. It...

Be a Mentor

Be a Mentor

October 27 is National Mentoring Day! Being a mentor can be a great way to pay it forward. Think of and thank someone who helped shape you into the...

Make a Difference

Make a Difference

"If you think you're too small to make a difference...try sleeping with a mosquito in the room." - Dalai Lama How do mosquitoes know to buzz in your...

Loving Care

Loving Care

It is National I Care About You Day. Be grateful for your friends and loved ones on this day and always. Taking care of another person can be both...

United Nations Day

United Nations Day

October 24 is United Nations Day. On this day, we celebrate the anniversary of the UN Charter of 1945. The UN was established after World War II to...

Freedom for Hungary

Freedom for Hungary

On October 23, 1989, Hungary became an independent republic, after 33 years of Soviet rule. Starting in March 1990, the Soviet Army began leaving...



“Your heart knows the way. Run in that direction.”  – Rumi Rumi was a 13th-century Persian poet and Islamic scholar. Rumi's works are written mostly...

Sweets for the Sweet

Sweets for the Sweet

October 21 is Sweetest Day. Let your sweetheart know how much you care about them. Maybe buy them some sweets to make them even sweeter. Mindfulness...

Resolve that Conflict

Resolve that Conflict

October 19 is Conflict Resolution Day. Conflicts arise and it is how we resolve them that really counts. Thinking of peaceful ways to resolve those...

Moby Dick

Moby Dick

On October 18, 1851, Moby Dick was published for the first time. It was written by American author Herman Melville and continues to be a classic...

Black Poetry Day

Black Poetry Day

October 17 is Black Poetry Day. Black Poetry Day is celebrated in commemoration of the birthday of a man referred to as the father of African...

Walt Disney

Walt Disney

On October 16, 1923, the Walt Disney Company was founded. It would be 32 years before Disneyland and another 16 years before Disney World opened....

A Generous Spirit

A Generous Spirit

Cultivating a generous spirit starts with mindfulness. Mindfulness, simply stated, means paying attention to what is happening; it’s about what is...

Blue Coat and Red Hat = Paddington

Blue Coat and Red Hat = Paddington

On October 13, 1958, Paddington Bear made his debut. Paddington Bear is a fictional character in children’s literature. He first appeared on 13...

I’ll Get You my Pretty!

I’ll Get You my Pretty!

On October 12, 1938, production began on the Wizard of Oz. One of the greatest and most popular films ever made. It is so iconic and has touched...

Joyful Noise

Joyful Noise

October 11 is National Spread Joy Day. Do things to spread joy to others or do things that make you joyful. It can be the simplest act that will...

Be Whoever You Want to Be

Be Whoever You Want to Be

“For what it’s worth, it’s never too late to be whoever you want to be. I hope you live a life you’re proud of, and if you find you’re not, I hope...

Freedom for Uganda

Freedom for Uganda

On October 9, 1962, Uganda gained independence from British rule. Uganda (Yuganda in Ugandan languages), officially the Republic of Uganda (Swahili:...



On October 8, 1956, Don Larsen of the NY Yankees pitched the first and only perfect game of the World Series. Don James Larsen was an American...

Just Smile, Smile, Smile

Just Smile, Smile, Smile

October 7 is World Smile Day. On World Smile Day, the theme is "Do an act of kindness.  Help one person smile!"  People worldwide embrace...

Quiet the Mind

Quiet the Mind

"Quiet the mind, and the soul will speak." While attributed to many sources, Ma Jaya Sati writes this quote in The 11 Karmic Spaces: Choosing...

Put One Foot in Front of the Other

Put One Foot in Front of the Other

On October 5, 1974, David Kunst completed the first documented journey around the world on foot. That's a lot of walking shoes that were worn and...

Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein

“The mind that opens to a new idea never returns to its original size.” – Albert Einstein Albert Einstein was a well-known theoretical physicist,...

Space Shuttle Discovery

Space Shuttle Discovery

On October 3, 1988, the space shuttle Discovery landed safely after its four-day mission.  It was the first space shuttle mission after the...

Day of Non-Violence

Day of Non-Violence

October 2nd is the International Day of Non-Violence. It is the birthday of Mahatma Gandhi and honors his legacy of non-violence and peaceful...

Free Speech

Free Speech

On October 1, 1964, the Free Speech Movement was started at the University of California at Berkeley. One of the most important of the amendments,...

This Place

This Place

“Happiness, not in another place but this place… not for another hour, but this hour.” – Walt Whitman Walt Whitman was an American poet, who was...

Confucius Said…

Confucius Said…

September 29th is Confucius Day. Confucius was a Chinese philosopher and teacher who lived from 551 BCE to 479 BCE. He was also known as Kong Fuzi...

Been around the world

Been around the world

On September 28, 1924, the first aerial circumnavigation of the world was completed by a team from the US Army. This flight is often called the...

Pack Light and Call an Uber

Pack Light and Call an Uber

September 27th is World Tourism Day. Pack your bags and call an Uber. Time to travel the world or your own backyard. Treat any day like a vacation....

Climb All the Mountains

Climb All the Mountains

“These mountains that you are carrying, you were only supposed to climb.” – Najwa Zebian Known for her meaningful and powerful writings, Najwa...

Dream On

Dream On

September 25th is World Dream Day. This idea began in 2012 at Columbia University by educator Ozioma Egwuonwu. It was set in motion for the purpose...

African American Museum

African American Museum

The National Museum of African American History and Culture opened in Washington, DC. opened on September 24 2016. This museum is part of the...

Just Be Where You Are

Just Be Where You Are

"Be where you are, not where you think you should be." - Unknown When you "just are" where you are, that is mindfulness. Check out these great...

Peace Corps

Peace Corps

On September 22, 1961, President John F. Kennedy established the Peace Corps. The goal of this organization to enhance peace and friendship between...

Peace be with you

Peace be with you

September 21st is the International Day of Peace. The United Nations General Assembly decided that the third Tuesday of September would be the...

Battle of the Sexes

Battle of the Sexes

September 20, 1973 - Billy Jean King beats Bobby Riggs in the Battle of the Sexes (tennis). King had a prestigious tennis career; she won a total of...

WH Auden

WH Auden

"We must love one another or die." WH Auden W. H. Auden was a famous English-American poet known for his gifts to 20th-century poetry. He was born...

Fritz Pollard

Fritz Pollard

September 18, 1919 - Fritz Pollard becomes the first African American to play pro football for a major team, the Akron Pros. His full name was...

James Thurber

James Thurber

"Let us not look back in anger, not forward in fear, but around in awareness." - James Thurber James Thurber was an American humorist, cartoonist,...

Protect the Ozone

Protect the Ozone

Today, September 16th, is International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer. The ozone layer is a section of Earth's stratosphere that...

Rid the World of Kids’ Cancer

Rid the World of Kids’ Cancer

September 15th is National Tackle Kids Cancer Day. Cancer is an awful disease for anyone to deal with, but when it is a child dealing with it, it...

This Day

This Day

“Nothing is worth more than this day.  You cannot relive yesterday.  Tomorrow is still beyond your reach." -Johann Wolfgang von Goethe von...

A+ in Performing

A+ in Performing

On this day, September 13, 1948, the first performing arts school opened in NYC. A performing arts high school concentrates on providing a high...

Be the Encouragement

Be the Encouragement

Today, September 12, is National Day of Encouragement. This day is dedicated to having a positive impact on those who are around us. Give your...

In the Swim of Things

In the Swim of Things

On this day, September 11, 1951, Florence Chadwick was the first woman to swim the English channel from both directions. She completed her first...



“Within there is stillness and a sanctuary to which you can retreat at any time and be yourself.” - Hermann Hesse Hermann Hesse was a well-known...

Tennis, everyone?

Tennis, everyone?

On this day September 8, 1957, Althea Gibson became the first African American woman to win the U.S. Open tennis title. She won the French Open in...

Lao Tzu says Slow Down

Lao Tzu says Slow Down

“Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished.” - Lao Tzu Lao Tzu was an ancient Chinese philosopher and the founder of Taoism, which is a...

Open a Book

Open a Book

September 6th is National Read a Book Day. It is a day to celebrate the joy and love of reading books. Reading can be for pleasure or to learn...

Happy Labor Day

Happy Labor Day

Labor Day in America is on September 4 this year, 2023. The holiday celebrates the offerings and accomplishments of workers and the labor...

What color is your parachute?

What color is your parachute?

"A mind is like a parachute.  It doesn’t work if it isn’t open.”      -Frank Zappa Frank Zappa was an American musician who also composed music. He...



On this day, September 3, 1783, the Treaty of Paris was signed ending the American Revolution this giving the first 13 colonies independence. The...

Mind Your Manners

Mind Your Manners

The first Friday of every September is Bring Your Manners to Work Day. Manners are important in all aspects of life. Since some of us actually spend...

Titanic Discovery

Titanic Discovery

On this day September 1, 1985, the wreck of the Titanic was found 400 miles east of Newfoundland. The Titanic was a passenger liner that started its...

Buddha Thoughts

Buddha Thoughts

Buddha said, "Three things cannot hide for long: the moon, the sun and the truth." Buddha, translated as "awakened one" or "enlightened one," is the...

Holistic Pet Day

Holistic Pet Day

August 30th is National Holistic Pet Day. Holistic care means you take all body and mind symptoms in to account when treating your pet. These two...

Lincoln and the Moon

Lincoln and the Moon

August 29, 1857 - Abraham Lincoln used the moon to defend a client. A witness said the moon was so bright that they could see who the murderer was....

Accept this Moment

Accept this Moment

What would it be like if I could accept life - accept this moment - exactly as it is? - Tara Brach Tara Brach is an American psychologist,...

It’s Just Because Day!

It’s Just Because Day!

August 27th is National Just Because Day and it encourages people to do something spontaneous just for the sake of doing it. No special reason or...

Happy Birthday Mother Theresa

Happy Birthday Mother Theresa

Mother Theresa was born on August 26, 1910 in Skopje, North Macedonia. She was also known as Saint Theresa of Calcutta. A Catholic nun and Albanian...

Amelia Earhart – Aviation Pioneer

Amelia Earhart – Aviation Pioneer

On August 25, 1932, Amelia Earhart, an aviation pioneer, was the first woman to fly non-stop across the United States. She was born on July 24, 1897...

Mount Vesuvius

Mount Vesuvius

On August 24, 79 AD, Mount Vesuvius erupted. This famous stratovolcano located in Campania, Italy. It buried the cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum...

Aloha Hawaii

Aloha Hawaii

August 21, 1959 - Hawaii became the 50th state of the United States. Definitely increased the beauty quotient of the US!...



August 20, 1741 - Alaska was discovered by Danish navigator Vitus Jonas Bering, hence the name of the Bering Strait. It did not become a state in...

Rocking Chair Proverb

Rocking Chair Proverb

"Worrying is like a rocking chair; it gives you something to do, but it doesn't get you anywhere." - English proverb...

How serendipitous!

How serendipitous!

August 18th is Serendipity Day

Pulitzer Prize

Pulitzer Prize

August 17, 1903 Joseph Pulitzer donated 2 million dollars to Columbia University which was used to create the Columbia University School of...

Nothing Ever Goes Away

Nothing Ever Goes Away

until it has taught us what we need to know." - Pema Chodron

The Wonderful Wizard of Oz

The Wonderful Wizard of Oz

Is "there's no place like home" a secret mindfulness instruction embedded into the story? Do the emotional and spiritual searches of the four main...

Love Your Bookshop Day

Love Your Bookshop Day

When I was a paperboy, a bookshop on Williamson street received the daily paper. I would often stop by and browse the shelves for some time. The...

Women’s and Family Day

Women’s and Family Day

What are some winning and mindfulness practices that families do together? How would practicing some of these improve your own family life? Show up,...

Thich Nhat Hanh

Thich Nhat Hanh

"The present moment is the only time over which we have dominion." MIT physicist Max Tegmark told "We can portray our reality as either a...

Moons of Mars

Moons of Mars

August 11, 1877 - The moon of Mars, Deimos and Phobos, are discovered by American astronomer Asaph Hall. Phobos and Deimos are the two moons of...

Cultivate Mindfulness

Cultivate Mindfulness

"The best way to capture moments is to pay attention. This is how we cultivate mindfulness." - Jon Kabat-Zinn Jon Kabat-Zinn (born Jon Kabat, June...

Oh My Heart

Oh My Heart

August 8, 1966 - The first left ventricle bypass pump was installed in a patient by surgeon Dr. Michael Debakey. Michael Ellis...

National Friendship Day

National Friendship Day

Friendship is a relationship of mutual affection between people. Maybe stronger than an "acquaintance" or an "association," such as a classmate,...



"Our life is shaped by our mind, for we become what we think." - Buddha

Liberty Cornerstone

Liberty Cornerstone

So much can happen once we set our minds to it. This iconic statue was once a dream in the mind of Edouard de Laboulaye, a French professor,...

Chocolate Chip Cookies

Chocolate Chip Cookies

When's the last time you had a chocolate chip cookie? How did it taste? How do you go about paying attention to sensations? Learn how here....

Give a Penny Take a Penny

Give a Penny Take a Penny

"Take a penny, leave a penny" (sometimes "Give a penny, take a penny", penny tray, or penny pool) refers to a type of tray, dish or cup meant for...

Harriet Quimby first woman pilot

Harriet Quimby first woman pilot

Harriet Quimby (May 11, 1875 – July 1, 1912) was an American pioneering aviator, journalist, and film screenwriter. In 1911, she became the first...

You Got This!

You Got This!

"Stay strong. Stand up. Have a voice." - Shawn Johnson, US gold and silver Olympic medalist in gymnastics....

Huggy Bear

Huggy Bear

Today is Share a Hug Day!

A Good Planet is Hard to Find

A Good Planet is Hard to Find

July 29, 2005 - Astronomers announce the discovery of the discovery of the dwarf planet Eris.

Strive to be Better

Strive to be Better

"When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too." - Paulo Coelho...

His Soul is in the Sky

His Soul is in the Sky

July 27, 1909 - The record for the longest airplane flight was set by Orville Wright. He stayed in the air for one hour....

Holistic Therapy Day

Holistic Therapy Day

June 26 - It is Holistic Therapy Day..."Holistic therapy treats the human body as a synergy of mind, body, and soul."...

Baby Love

Baby Love

July 25, 1978 - The first test tube baby, Louise Joy Brown, was born in England.

Do Your Best

Do Your Best

"You're not obligated to win. You're obligated to keep trying to do the best you can everyday." - Marian Wright Edelman...

Ice Cream, Yes Please!

Ice Cream, Yes Please!

July 23, 1904 - Charles E. Menches invented the ice cream cone in St Louis, Missouri.

Happy Brain Day

Happy Brain Day

July 22 - It's World Brain Day - put your brain to good use.

Love and Care

Love and Care

"You must love and care for yourself because that is when the best comes out." - Tina Turner...

Voting Rights

Voting Rights

July 20, 1906 - Finland was the first European country to give women the right to vote.

Christa McAuliffe

Christa McAuliffe

Christa McAuliffe was the first teacher chosen to ride in the space shuttle.

Just Listen

Just Listen

It is World Listening Day..."Listening is indeed an art that requires undivided attention and patience from a person and benefits another who is in...

Grow Where There is Room

Grow Where There is Room

"But, like ivy, we grow where there is room." - Miranda July

Coulda, Shoulda, Woulda

Coulda, Shoulda, Woulda

It is Toss Away the "Could Haves" and "Should Haves" Day

Rosetta Stone

Rosetta Stone

The Rosetta Stone was created in 196 BC and was discovered on July 15, 1799. It was the key to deciphering Egyptian scripts....

Pluto Flyby

Pluto Flyby

In 2015, the first flyby of Pluto was performed by NASA's New Horizon probe.

Sunshine and Freedom

Sunshine and Freedom

"Just living is not enough. One must have sunshine, freedom and a little flower." - Hans Christian Andersen...

Malala Day

Malala Day

Malala Yousafzai, a young Pakistani girl, broke from the norm and rose to fame as an advocate for human rights, in particular, the right of women to...

Medal of Freedom

Medal of Freedom

The Medal of Freedom was posthumously awarded to Martin Luther King Jr at a White House ceremony.

Open Heart Surgery

Open Heart Surgery

July 9, 1893: The first open heart surgery was performed in the United States without anesthesia by Daniel Hale Williams....

Dreaming = Planning

Dreaming = Planning

"Dreaming, after all, is a form of planning." - Gloria Steinem



"Your positive action combined with positive thinking results in success." - Shiv Khera...

Peace and Love Day

Peace and Love Day

It is International Peace and Love Day

Freedom is Courage

Freedom is Courage

"The secret of happiness is freedom. The secret of freedom is courage." - Carrie Jones...

China Taiwan Flight

China Taiwan Flight

4 July 2008. After six decades, the first direct flight that was to become a regular occurrence took place between China and Taiwan. Taiwan and...

Compliment Your Mirror

Compliment Your Mirror

Today is National Compliment Your Mirror Day.

Shaping the Image

Shaping the Image

"The fact is, with every friendship you make and every bond of trust you establish, you are shaping the image of America projected to the rest of...

Susan B. Anthony

Susan B. Anthony

Susan B. Anthony was an important women's rights activist and a huge proponent the women's suffrage movement. She was commemorated on the US dollar...



It's National Bomb Pop day in the U.S.

Love Yourself?

Love Yourself?


Water for War

Water for War

28 Jun 1778 Mary Hayes, aka Molly Pitcher, attended to soldiers by bringing them water during the battle of Monmouth during the American...

Ice Cream Cake

Ice Cream Cake

27 Jun. National Ice Cream Cake Day in the U.S.

Funny Thing, Gratefulness

Funny Thing, Gratefulness

“It's a funny thing about life, once you begin to take note of the things you are grateful for, you begin to lose sight of the things that you...

Canada’s First Women

Canada’s First Women

25 Jun 1993. Kim Campbell is sworn in as Canada’s first female prime minister.

Million Dollar Woman

Million Dollar Woman

24 Jun 1916. Mary Pickford was the first female film star to sign a million-dollar contract.

Happy in the Moment

Happy in the Moment


Women in Engineering

Women in Engineering




Celebrating the Solstice. It's the longest day of the year in the northern hemisphere and the shortest day in the southern. Here's to Change....

My Milkshake

My Milkshake

Today is National Vanilla Milkshake Day in the U.S.

Celebrating Fathers

Celebrating Fathers


Women Fly The Atlantic

Women Fly The Atlantic

17 Jun 1928. Amelia Earhart began the flight in Newfoundland making her the first woman to successfully fly solo across the Atlantic ocean....

Sight but no Vision

Sight but no Vision


Sneak a Kiss

Sneak a Kiss

Today is sneak a kiss day!

Making the World Better

Making the World Better


14th Ammendment

14th Ammendment

13 Jun 18566: The 14th amendment was passed by the US congress. It granted citizenship and protected the civil liberties of recently freed slaves.

14th Ammendment


State laws that prohibited interracial marriage were ruled unconstitutional by the US Supreme court....

Teaching Young People

Teaching Young People


Coloring Your World

Coloring Your World

10 Jun 1903. Binney & Smith began developing Crayola crayons.

Working for Success

Working for Success


First Drive In

First Drive In

6 Jun 1933. The first drive-in movie theatre opened in Camden, NJ, just in time for summer.

A Girl Should Be

A Girl Should Be


Women Vote

Women Vote

4 JUN 1919. US Congress passed the 19th amendment giving women the right to vote....

Dear Abby

Dear Abby

"If you want your children to turn out well, spend twice as much time with them and half as much money." –Abigail Van Buren Pauline Esther "Popo"...



2 June 1935. Babe Ruth announced that he was retiring from baseball. George Herman "Babe" Ruth Jr. (February 6, 1895 – August 16, 1948) was an...

Security Blanket

Security Blanket

1 June 1954. Linus’ security blanket was introduced in the Peanuts comic strip. The blanket was featured throughout the remainder of the strip's...

First NY Taxis

First NY Taxis

31 May 1907. The first gas-powered taxis arrive in New York. Taxicab vehicles, each of which must have a medallion to operate, are driven an average...

Early University

Early University

30 MAY 1527. The University of Marburg was founded in Germany. The university is significant for its life sciences research and is also home to one...

A Station in Space

A Station in Space

29 May 1999. The space shuttle docs for the first time with the international space station. The International Space Station (ISS) is a modular...

Dirty Feet

Dirty Feet

“I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet.” – Mahatma Gandhi On keeping the mind clean.

Building Bridges

Building Bridges

27 May 1937. The golden gate bridge opened to pedestrian traffic. Some describe the Golden Gate Bridge as "possibly the most beautiful, certainly...

A Sudden Change

“Nothing is so painful to the human mind as a great and sudden change.” –Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley How attention to the mind can help deal with...

Psychedelic Rolls

Psychedelic Rolls

Beatle John Lennon bought a 1964 Mulliner Park Ward Phantom V, finished in Valentine's black. Everything was black except for the radiator, even the...

Telegraphic Communication

Telegraphic Communication

24 May 1844. Samuel F. B. Morse sent the first message via an experimental telegraphic line from Washington, D.C., to Baltimore. The message, taken...

Rock Opera

Rock Opera

Tommy is the fourth studio album by the English rock band the Who, a double album first released on 17 May 1969. The album was mostly composed by...

Free Library

Free Library

Scoville Memorial Library is the public library of Salisbury, Connecticut. Established in 1803, it was the first in the United States open to the...

Founding the Red Cross

Founding the Red Cross

The American Red Cross (ARC), also known as The American National Red Cross,[5] is a non-profit humanitarian organization that provides emergency...

World Meditation Day

World Meditation Day

World meditation day coincided with @2:50's 800th day. We celebrated with visualizations from the MIT CAVE Lab.

Still Someone

Still Someone

Don't give up, you've still got a couple of people to prove wrong!

WFH Day!

WFH Day!

A day to celebrate working from home.

Drawing Day

Drawing Day

Stop by to have a draw and make the world unique

Belly Dance

Belly Dance

Belly dance your way out of or into any situation!

Stepping Stones

Stepping Stones

One of the secrets of life is to make stepping stones out of stumbling blocks. –Jack Penn

Saying Yes

Saying Yes

“There is something wonderfully bold and liberating about saying yes to our entire imperfect and messy life.” ― Tara Brach, Radical...

Not Evasion

Not Evasion

"Meditation is not evasion; it is a serene encounter with reality." –Thich Nhat Hanh

Doubts are Traitors

Doubts are Traitors

​“Our doubts are traitors, And make us lose the good we oft might win, By fearing to attempt.” – William Shakespeare on confidence and...

Space Day

Space Day

It's national space day in the U.S. today. Here's to space and all the fine things we can discover there. While the national holiday is about outer...

On Silk and Straw

On Silk and Straw

Mary Dixon Kies (March 21, 1752 – 1837) was an American inventor. On May 5, 1809, her patent for a new technique of...

May the Fourth Be with You

May the Fourth Be with You

First, a congratulatory advertisement in the London Evening News to congratulate Margaret Thatcher, saying "May the Fourth Be with You, Maggie....

Write a Review Day

Write a Review Day

One way to get heard is to write a review. At least you can get your thoughts off your chest. I wonder what it would be like to write a daily review...

Baby day

Baby day

Baby Day celebrates least we think it does. This day is recorded on websites and e-card sites. However, we couldn't find much...

Ice Cream Cone

Ice Cream Cone

30 April 1896. The first ice cream cone was introduced.

Present, Past, Future

Present, Past, Future

“It is difficult to live in the present, pointless to live in the future and impossible to live in the past.” —Frank Herbert

Pan-Pacific Flight

Pan-Pacific Flight

28 April 1937. Pan American Airlines embarked on the first commercial pan-pacific flight via Hawaii, Midway, Wake, Guam, and the Philippines to...

First Elections

First Elections

27 April 1994. South Africa holds its first elections in which all people can vote....

Seven Samurai

Seven Samurai

26 April 1954. Kurosawa Akira’s Seven Samurai was released in Japan.

First Female President

First Female President

25 April 1990. Violeta Barrios de Chamorro became Central America's first female president as she was sworn into office in Nicaragua....

The Library

The Library

24 April 1800. The Library of Congress is established in the US.

If I Say Nothing

If I Say Nothing

“Always ask yourself: What will happen if I say nothing?” —Kamand Kojouri

Real Generosity

Real Generosity

“Real generosity towards the future lies in giving all to the present.” —Albert Camus

Hard Times

Hard Times

“Hard times arouse an instinctive desire for authenticity.” —Coco Chanel



18 April 1980. Zimbabwe recognizes independence.

Earthlike Planets

Earthlike Planets

17 April 2014. The discovery of Kepler-186f confirms that planets the size of Earth exist in the habitable zone of stars other than our sun....

Letter from Jail

Letter from Jail

16 April 1963. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. penned Letter from the Birmingham Jail saying, “injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.”...

San Francisco

San Francisco

15 April 1850. The city of San Francisco was incorporated.

Paris Exposition

Paris Exposition

14 April 1900. Exposition Universelle opened in Paris. 40 nations and dozens of territories exhibited their cultures, architecture, and...

Best Actor

Best Actor

13 April 1964. Sidney Poitier became the first black man to win an Oscar for best actor — for Lilies of the Field....

No Journey

No Journey

"The truth is that there is no journey. We are arriving and departing all at the same time." –David Bowie

Civil Rights

Civil Rights

11 April 1968. On this day the Civil Rights Act was signed in the United States.

Knowing Yourself

Knowing Yourself

“Knowing others is intelligence;knowing yourself is true wisdom.” –Tao te ching

Marian Anderson Sings

Marian Anderson Sings

9 April 1939. World-renowned contralto Marian Anderson sang to more than 75,000 at the Lincoln Memorial. Her performance came after months of...



Suzan-Lori Parks became the first African-American woman to win a Pulitzer Prize for Drama for her play “Topdog/Underdog....

Burn Completely

Burn Completely

“When you do something, you should burn yourself up completely, like a good bonfire, leaving no trace of yourself.” —Shunryu Suzuki...

First Olympics

First Olympics

The first modern Olympics were held in Athens.

Created Twice

Created Twice

“Everything is created twice, first in the mind and then in reality.” —Robin Sharma

Peace Sign

Peace Sign

The CND symbol is one of the most widely known symbols in the world; in Britain, it is recognized as standing for nuclear disarmament – and in...

Limits to Self

Limits to Self

“There are limits to self-indulgence, none to self-restraint." —Khalil Gibran

Doing What I Cannot

Doing What I Cannot

I am always doing that which I cannot do in order that I may learn how to do it. –Pablo Picasso

Kindness Never too Soon

Kindness Never too Soon

You cannot do kindness too soon, for you never know how soon it will be too late. –Ralph Waldo Emerson



“Whatever— the soup is getting cold.” – Leonardo da Vinci Last sentence of a mathematical theorem in Leonardo da Vinci's notebook, 1518



“There is only one kind of shock worse than the totally unexpected: the expected for which one has refused to prepare.” – Mary Renault, The...

Life Measure

Life Measure

“Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.” – Maya Angelou

Not the Problem

Not the Problem

“The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem.” – Jack Sparrow

Never Look Back

Never Look Back

“I never look back darling; it distracts from the now.” – Edna Mode

Learn Much?

Learn Much?

“You never really learn much from hearing yourself talk.” –George Clooney



“If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door.” –Milton Berle

Human Rights

Human Rights

“The real question is: who has the responsibility to uphold human rights? The answer to that is everyone.”— Madeleine Albright

Last Obstacle

Last Obstacle

“You never know when that next obstacle is going to be the last one.” – Chuck Norris

Found Joy?

Found Joy?

“Have you found joy in your life? Has your life brought joy to others?” Attributed to ancient Egypt.

Nothing Impossible

Nothing Impossible

“Nothing is impossible. The word itself says, ‘I’m possible!’” – Audrey Hepburn

Let it Happen to You

Let it Happen to You

“Let everything happen to you. Beauty and terror. Just keep going. No feeling is final.” — Rilke

Forever Now

Forever Now

"Forever is composed of Nows" — Emily Dickinson

Hold Fast to the Present

Hold Fast to the Present

“Always hold fast to the present. every moment is the representative of a whole eternity.” — Goethe

Present Wellness

Present Wellness

“The ability to be in the present moment is a major component of mental wellness.” — Abraham Maslow

Breathing with Nature

Breathing with Nature

For the @2:50 second anniversary, Natalie Hill from MIT ORSEL joined us to share this breathing with nature practice. Each practice introduces a...

Uranus Discovered

Uranus Discovered

13 Mar 1781. English astronomer William Herschel observed the seventh planet from the Sun, Uranus—first described by him as “a curious either...

Truth Insistence

Truth Insistence

12 Mar 1930. The Salt March, also known as the Salt Satyagraha, was an act of nonviolent civil disobedience in colonial India led by Mahatma Gandhi....

@2:50 day of mindfulness

@2:50 day of mindfulness

11 March is hereby proclaimed as @2:50 day of mindfulness We've been quiet together for two years now, let's celebrate. Here's to many more.

Love Empowers

Love Empowers

“Love empowers us to live fully and die well. Death becomes, then, not an end to life but a part of living.”     –Bell Hooks...

Start Again

Start Again

9 Mar. Start again. This simple phrase can be a ready helper during mindful practice. It's so easy to see the mind wander off. And it's just as easy...

Grateful for Women

Grateful for Women

8 Mar. We're grateful today for the women in our lives and their roles in shaping society. We dedicate today's @2:50 to women everywhere....

First US Income Tax

First US Income Tax

The Revenue Act of 1913, also known as the Underwood Tariff or the Underwood-Simmons Act (ch. 16, 38 Stat. 114), re-established a federal income tax...

Telephone Patented

Telephone Patented

7 Mar 1876, Alexander Graham Bell successfully received a patent for the telephone and secured the rights to the discovery. Days later, he made the...

First Elected

First Elected

6 Mar 1906. Nora Blatch was an English-born American civil engineer, and suffragist. Barney was among the first women to graduate with an...

Hula Hoop Patented

Hula Hoop Patented

5 Mar 1963. A hula hoop is a toy hoop that is twirled around the waist, limbs or neck. They have been used by children and adults since at least 500...

First Female Justice

First Female Justice

5 Mar 1982. Bertha Wilson is appointed the first female justice to the Canadian Supreme Court. Wilson was the first woman appointed to the Court of...

First Semaphore Sent

First Semaphore Sent

2 Mar 1791. Claude Chappe First Demonstrates the Semaphore in France, sending a message between Brûlon and Parcé, a distance of 90km. A semaphore or...

Tesla Demonstrates Radio

Tesla Demonstrates Radio

1 Mar 1893. Nikola Tesla gives a demonstration of radio. He had presented his work prior privately. Days before the St. Louis presentation, Tesla...

Nylon’s Birthday

Nylon’s Birthday

28 Feb 1935. On this day nylon was synthesized for the first time. Nylon is a generic designation for a family of synthetic polymers composed of...

Chaos Within

Chaos Within

And thus spoke Zarathustra to the people: “The time has come for man to set himself a goal. The time has come for man to plant the seed of his...

Being Yourself

Being Yourself

“You change the world by being yourself.” – Yoko Ono

Wanting Things Different

Wanting Things Different

"Suffering usually relates to wanting things to be different than they are.” - Allan Lokos

Uncertainty Principle Described

Uncertainty Principle Described

23 Feb 1927. Werner Heisenberg writes Wolfgang Pauli to first describe the uncertainty principle in physics. The uncertainty principle says that we...

No Worry

No Worry

There's no sense in worrying about the things you have control over. Since, if you have control, why worry? There's no sense in worrying about...

Land Camera Demonstrated

Land Camera Demonstrated

21 Feb 1947. Have you ever used a Polaroid camera? The portable device allows you to snap a photo, which is then printed straight out of the camera...

MIT Architecture School Founded

MIT Architecture School Founded

20 Feb 1865. The Architecture program at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology was founded in 1865, with the first courses taught in 1868....

Pluto Discovered

Pluto Discovered

18 Feb 1930. Pluto has yet to complete a full orbit of the Sun since its discovery, as one Plutonian year is 247.68 years long.[22...

Sweden Julian to Gregorian

Sweden Julian to Gregorian

17 Feb 1753. Sweden's transition to the Gregorian calendar was difficult and protracted. Sweden started to make the change from the Julian calendar...

A above C Set to 435 Hz

A above C Set to 435 Hz

If you're interested to hear A 435, here's a tone generator for your entertainment. Before standardization...

Nature Publishes Human Genome

Nature Publishes Human Genome

15 Feb 2001. "The human genome holds an extraordinary trove of information about human development, physiology, medicine, and evolution. Here we...

Youtube Registered in 2014

Youtube Registered in 2014

14 Feb 2014. The second-largest search engine in the world, and arguably the largest resource for sharing teaching and learning, YouTube registered...

World Radio Day

World Radio Day

13 Feb. Proclaimed in 2011 by the Member States of UNESCO, and adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 2012 as an International Day,...

First female professor

First female professor

10 Feb 1917. Johanna Westerdijk is appointed the Netherland's first female professor. In 1917, she was appointed as the first female professor in...

Falstaff premieres

Falstaff premieres

9 Feb 1893. Verdi's last opera, Falstaff premieres at La Scala, Milan. Verdi wrote Falstaff, the last of his 28 operas, as he approached the age of...

Universal cosmic time

Universal cosmic time

8 Feb 1879 Standard time was originally proposed by Scottish-Canadian Sir Sandford Fleming at a meeting of the Canadian Institute in Toronto on 8...

E Day

E Day

The number e, also known as Euler's number, is a mathematical constant approximately equal to 2.71828, and can be characterized in many ways. It is...

Women Can Vote

Women Can Vote The Representation of the People Act 1918 expanded the electorate to include...

First Motion Picture

First Motion Picture

5 Feb 1870. The first motion picture was shown on this day at the Philadelphia Academy of Music, Henry R. Heyl presented his Phasmatrope, using...

Slavery Abolished

Slavery Abolished

4 Feb 1794. On this day the French Republic first abolished slavery.

Hello…it’s for you!

Hello…it’s for you!

January 31, 1971 - Telephone service between East and West Berlin was re-established after 19 years.

Hours of Entertainment

Hours of Entertainment

January 28, 1958 - Godtfred Kirk Christiansen files for a Danish patent for a toy building block. You may know it as a Lego.

I See the Light

I See the Light

January 27, 1880 - Thomas Edison patented the incandescent lamp.

January 26

January 26

"All profound things and emotions of things are preceded and attended by silence." - Herman Melville

January 23, 1849

January 23, 1849

Elizabeth Blackwell became the first female medical doctor in the United States.

January 22

January 22

Is silence empty?....Or full of answers?

January 21, 2017

January 21, 2017

7 million people joined the women's march to protest peacefully; advocate for rights, freedoms, the environment, and more.

January 20

January 20

"Ever stop to think, and forget to start again?"

Happy Birthday January 19

Happy Birthday January 19

James Watt 1736 Auguste Comte 1798 Edgar Allan Poe 1809 Paul Cezanne 1839 Dolly Parton 1946 Utada Hikaru 1983

January 18, 1997

January 18, 1997

Boerge Ousland became the first person to cross the Antarctic alone after traveling for 64 days by skis or on foot.

January 17

January 17

"The time is always right to do what is right." - Martin Luther King Jr.

January 16, 2006

January 16, 2006

Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, first woman to be elected head of state in Africa, sworn in as president of Liberia.

January 14

January 14

Uttarayan, International Kit Day and World Logic Day

January 13

January 13

"Deep in the human unconscious is a pervasive need for a logical universe that makes sense, but the real universe is always one step beyond logic."...

Hattie Caraway

Hattie Caraway

January 12 - "If I can hold on to my sense of humor, I shall have a wonderful time." First woman elected to the US Senate.

January 11, 1935

January 11, 1935

Amelia Earhart made the first successful solo flight from Hawaii to California, a distance longer than that from the US to Europe.

On Elasticity

On Elasticity

Sophie Germain is the first woman to win a prize from the Paris Academy of Sciences for her paper on elasticity....

Galileo discovers moons of Jupiter

Galileo discovers moons of Jupiter

7 Jan 1610 7 Jan 1610. Galileo discovers the four moons of Jupiter. Pretty amazing what observation can accomplish when it's persistent.

Love doesn’t just sit there

Love doesn’t just sit there

“Love doesn’t just sit there,like a stone;it has to be made,like bread,remade all the time,made new.”Ursula K LeGuin

Golden Gate Bridge

Golden Gate Bridge

5 Jan 1933 On this day construction started on San Francisco's Golden Gate Bridge. Mindfulness builds bridges in the mind. Today we celebrate an...

Apple Computer Incorporated

Apple Computer Incorporated

3 Jan 1977. On this day, Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs incorporated Apple Computer. Apple computer and their related products over the intervening...

It’s All Good

It’s All Good

December 15 - It is More Good Today Day. This is a day to encourage kindness and generosity.


Thankful, Grateful, Blessed

November 25 - Happy Thanksgiving to all our American friends and participants. Gratitude, thankfulness, or gratefulness is from the Latin word...

Eckhart Tolle

Do we forget the joy of being?

"In today's rush, we all think too much, seek too much, want too much and forget the joy of just being." Enjoy the joy of just being every single...

Angela Merkel

Germany’s first female chancellor

November 22, 2005 - Angela Merkel was elected as Germany's first female Chancellor. Angela Dorothea Merkel is a former German politician and...

Verranzano Narrows Bridge

Build a bridge and see what happens

November 21, 1964 - The Verranzano Narrows Bridge, the world's longest suspension bridge at the time, opened in New York. It is now the 18th longest...

Anne Lamott

Just unplug it for a few minutes

"Almost everything will work again if you unlplug it for a few minutes, including you."

Vincent Van Gogh

Gogh for Big Money

November 19, 1998 - Vincent VanGogh's "Portrait of the Artist without a Beard" sold at auction for more than $71 million. That's a lot of Gogh...

Happy Birthday Mickey Mouse

Happy Birthday to the Big Mouse

November 18 - Happy Birthday Mickey Mouse! This icon of Walt Disney World is known worldwide and holds a special place in the heart of thousands....



“The secret of change is to focus not on fighting the old, but on building the new.  – Socrates. These words of wisdom are quite old, but are...

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle


November 15 - It is National Recycling Day.  This day aims to encourage Americans to purchase recycled products and recycle more. If you haven't...