24 May 1844. Samuel F. B. Morse sent the first message via an experimental telegraphic line from Washington, D.C., to Baltimore. The message, taken from the Bible, Numbers 23:23, and recorded on a paper tape, had been suggested to Morse by Annie Ellsworth, the young daughter of a friend.

As an arts professor at New York University, Morse conceived of a communications system employing the electro-magnet and a series of relays through a network of telegraph stations. In order to transmit via this system, he invented the Morse Code, an alphabet of electronic dashes and dots used to transmit telegraph messages.


For a fun communications experiment, we found this Morse Code converter.


-.– — ..- .-. / .- -.-. – .. — -. … / .- .-. . / -.– — ..- .-. / — -. .-.. -.– / – .-. ..- . / -… . .-.. — -. –. .. -. –. … .-.-.- / # .- .-.. .-.. .- -. / .-.. — -.- — …

Your actions are your only true belongings. –Allan Lokos