Nalu | Mind the Flow – a 28-day journey
Journey with Nalu* as they learn to mind the flow. From simple mindfulness practices through dynamic awareness discovery…
No matter our starting point, Nalu’s 28 ten-minute tracks help us build insight, learn how to mind the flow, and live with more clarity, resilience, and focus.
Journey with Nalu. Get a daily reminder in your inbox.
or scroll down to listen on your own schedule…
Registration and participation are free. We do not share your email address with anyone and you can unsubscribe anytime.
Image credit: isarthurgrau. data visualization explained below §. Get a copy in our shop!
Build continuity into any practice
Be part of a global community
Explore your own mind and flow
Nalu music written, produced, and recorded by Mika Mimura Erickson (Instagram)
Listen to Nalu | Mind the Flow whenever you need a refresh.
Follow your own schedule using the pages below. Watch here on the site, or listen free on Insight Timer. Links on each page.
Nalu Week One
Nalu Week Two
Nalu Week Three
Nalu Week Four
Week One
For the first week Nalu explores the breath and how observing it can serve as a valuable tool to mind the flow.
Day 1 Of 28 – Observing Breathing
Day 2 of 28 – Sounds of Breathing
Day 3 of 28 – Touch of the Breath
Week Two
In the second week, we join Nalu in taking control of the breath and observing sensations on the body.
Day 10 of 28 – Circular Breathing
Day 11 of 28 – Touch of the Breath
Week Three
With week three Nalu visits the self and the ‘other’, noticing how what’s inside can influence what’s outside.
Day 17 of 28 – Return to the Breath
Day 18 of 28 – Observing Other
Day 19 of 28 – Observing Other
Week Four
During the fourth week, we join Nalu in exploring inner and outer connections and the experience of gratitude.
Day 22 of 28 – Setting Intentions
Day 23 of 28 – Setting Intentions
Unlike a mindfulness “challenge,” Nalu aims for continuity of practice supported by ourselves and each other. We frame our journey as cooperation and collaboration, in contrast to competition.
*Nalu is Hawaiian for wave. Also, mindful observation.** Science and tradition view matter and energy as made fundamentally of vibrations or waves. As such, our lived experience comes in flow.
**We use the Hawaiian ‘Nalu’ to honor indigenous wisdom everywhere and elude inferences that arise from words in the world’s principal languages.
Nalu| Mind the Flow was created live during the usual @2:50 meetups. We captured the recordings and offer them for free playback here, so you can mind the flow anytime from anywhere. During our journey, we followed our protagonist, Nalu*, as they learned to mind the flow. We practiced what we learned for a few minutes each day.
Whether new to mindfulness or with an existing practice, our open @2:50 community welcomed people from all walks of life and worldwide for more than 11,390 person/minutes together. Ten minutes a day for 28 days helped us build our insight practices, learn better how to “mind our flow,” and live more peace.
§ Participants contributed to our collective mood board with a one-click color poll daily. The wheel of colors records more than 500 poll entries. The image at the top of the page illustrates the frequency of each color chosen on each day. Participants received a poster visualization that shows the daily totals over time.
The visualization is available for purchase in our shop.
Registration is not required. 🙂 Free 10-minute events open daily from our home page.