Uranus Discovered

Uranus Discovered

13 Mar 1781. English astronomer William Herschel observed the seventh planet from the Sun, Uranus—first described by him as “a curious either nebulous star or perhaps a comet” and named for the father of the god Saturn. Curiosity is oft observed on @2:50, even while...
Telephone Patented

Telephone Patented

7 Mar 1876, Alexander Graham Bell successfully received a patent for the telephone and secured the rights to the discovery. Days later, he made the first-ever telephone call to his partner, Thomas Watson. The patent was contested as many people had been researching...
First Elected

First Elected

6 Mar 1906. Nora Blatch was an English-born American civil engineer, and suffragist. Barney was among the first women to graduate with an engineering degree in the United States. Given an ultimatum to either stay a wife or practice engineering she chose engineering....
Tesla Demonstrates Radio

Tesla Demonstrates Radio

1 Mar 1893. Nikola Tesla gives a demonstration of radio. He had presented his work prior privately. Days before the St. Louis presentation, Tesla presented at the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia, where he described the principles of early radio communication. “On...
Nylon’s Birthday

Nylon’s Birthday

28 Feb 1935. On this day nylon was synthesized for the first time. Nylon is a generic designation for a family of synthetic polymers composed of polyamides (repeating units linked by amide links). Nylon is a silk-like thermoplastic, generally made from petroleum, that...
Uncertainty Principle Described

Uncertainty Principle Described

23 Feb 1927. Werner Heisenberg writes Wolfgang Pauli to first describe the uncertainty principle in physics. The uncertainty principle says that we cannot measure the position (x) and the momentum (p) of a particle with absolute precision. The more accurately we know...