December 2nd is National Build Joy Day. We can all use a little joy in our day. Here is a day devoted to just that. A little joy can go a long way.


Does displaying positive emotions (e.g., joy) during a funding pitch help an entrepreneur gain more financial support? Past research has approached this question mostly by treating emotional displays as static and focusing on the overall or average levels of displayed emotions. However, emotional displays are temporally dynamic and more salient in some moments or phases than others. Drawing from gestalt characteristics and event system theories, we take a dynamic approach to examine the “peak” moments of entrepreneurs’ displayed joy—specifically, the strength and duration of peak displayed joy during different pitch phases. Using the latest facial expression analysis technology, we analyzed data from over eight million frames in 1,460 pitch videos. The findings unveil the benefit of pitching with a more significant peak displayed joy, especially during the beginning and ending phases of a pitch. Moreover, the amount of time an entrepreneur spends at the peak level of his or her displayed joy has an inverted U-shaped relationship with funding performance. This research highlights the importance of investigating emotional and temporal dynamics in the interpersonal context and the unique research opportunities provided by facial expression analyses in understanding complex management phenomena.

Mindfulness can bring you joy also. Here are some mindfulness exercises for you.
