Breathing with Nature
For the @2:50 second anniversary, Natalie Hill from MIT ORSEL joined us to share this breathing with nature practice. Each practice introduces a sentence for the in-breath, a sentence for the out-breath, and a short-hand version that captures the essence in a single...
Gratitude mind guided audio
Gratitude practice is one of several techniques we practice daily @2:50 pm. Gratitude and gratefulness practice can evoke sensations and feelings that resonate with us for the rest of the day. We find attention to gratitude to be foundational to a daily practice....
The Nose Knows
Breath attention for focusing is one of several techniques we practice daily @2:50 pm. Focusing on sensations and feelings related directly to breathing can serve as an anchor for the rest of the day. We find that attention to how the breath works naturally in the...
Boxed Breathing
Boxed breathing is a supplemental @2:50 practice shared by one of our regular participants. It’s a simple effective technique that quickly brings the mind into focus. It can be used anywhere and anytime. You can modify the length of the count to suit your needs....